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MyYearbookBuilder: A “Greener” Alternative to Traditional Paper Yearbook Publishing
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Posted by: Andrew Edwards @ 6:56 pm

MyYearbookBuilder: A “Greener” Alternative to Traditional Paper Yearbook Publishing

New Milford, Connecticut (September 1, 2010) – Odyssey Interactive, the nation’s leading producer of digital yearbooks for high school and other institutions, is proud to offer a “greener” alternative to traditional paper yearbook publishing through its flagship product MyYearbookBuilder (

On average, each person in the United States uses 749 pounds of paper every year (187 billion pounds per year for the entire population, and by far the largest per capita consumption rate of paper for any country in the world.)

Each year, millions of pounds of highly toxic chemicals such as toluene, methanol, chlorine dioxide, hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde are released into the air and water supply from paper manufacturing plants around the world.

“As a consumer today, it’s becoming more and more important to focus on green initiatives and consider the environment when making decisions,” said Joseph Durdock, Founder and Chief Executive at Odyssey Interactive.  “Therefore, businesses also have the responsibility to create and offer more environmentally-friendly solutions to today’s consumer demands.”

There are many eco-friendly advantages to making the switch to electronic yearbooks. First, the environment benefits from our no longer using paper as the primary distribution medium. Secondly, eYearbooks eliminate the need to recycle hazardous printing solvents, metal printing plates and paper waste at a printing facility, which helps to save trees and the environment. Lastly, the smaller weight and volume of the final product decreases transportation costs and also reduces the demand for fossil fuels.

“We’re proud to offer a responsible alternative to cutting down billions of trees annually for paper publishing, which ensures a safer, healthier and cleaner environment for generations to come,” said Andrew Edwards, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development.

For further information, please contact Mr. John McClane.

About Odyssey Interactive

Odyssey Interactive, L.L.C. is a frontier, multimedia publishing company specializing in the development of custom digital solutions for archiving high school audio, video and photographs into interactive electronic yearbooks.

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